Central and South America
Brazil, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica
Brazil, South America – 2018
We partnered with Global Awakening Missions in Sao Paulo, Brazil. We saw thousands healed in our church services, we witnessed many miracles such as: deaf ears healed, tumors shrinking, eyesight restored, backs healed, and so much more!
Brazil, South America – 2016
Partnering with Global Awakening, a team of from Summit, led by Pastors Daniel & Theresa became fire-starters on the “Lighting Fires” mission trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The Revival fires burn brightly, and the miracles were massive. Isaiah 35:5-6 “the eyes of the blind shall be opened, the ears of deaf opened, the lame shall walk, the tongue of the mute speak..” Our team saw the lame walk, blind eyes healed, deaf ears opened, and creative miracles including a child born with a birth defect, foot & leg grew out. God was demonstrating His Fire & Glory in Brazil. We saw signs & wonders of oil, and glory manifesting on people’s hands and bodies. The signs, wonders, and miracles were transferable and impartable. We saw accurate words of knowledge, resulting in accompanying miracles.

Nicaragua, Central America – 2016
In June a team led by Taylor Jensen and Mike Stary, led a team to Nicaragua. We partnered with Local churches, orphanages, and schools, as our team went throughout this tropical nation bringing the good news wherever we went. With a medical doctor on our team, we would go into villages, bring medical aid, and then preach the gospel. We saw multiple healings take place, as well as over 70 salvations occur, including an entire elementary school.
Brazil, South America – 2015
Partnering with Global Awakening, a team of five from Summit, led by Pastor Theresa became fire-starters on the “Lighting Fires” mission trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil. The team participated in healing crusades by Randy Clark in churches throughout Sao Paulo, Brazil. The miracles were phenomenal including seeing blind eyes healed, deaf ears opened, lame walking, cancerous tumors dissolving. The Brazilian people were loving, accepting and passionate in their pursuit of Revival. Fires of Revival are blazing bright in Brazil.
Costa Rica, Central America – 2012
A team of 30 missionaries from Summit and other churches, led by Pastor Daniel & Theresa Jones, Pastor Andrew Hopkins ministered in Quepos, Immaculada, Costa Rica. Teams participated in door-to-door, street evangelism, and culminating in an outreach concert in Quepos led by Andrew Hopkins and the Summit Worship band. The team also visited the hospital and prayed for the sick. A carnival was put on for the children in local districts, with clowns, skits, games, and open air preaching and worship. Many Costa Rican youth and children gave their hearts to Christ during the ten day missions trip. Children from the orphanages came to the Rancho where they were treated to a carnival and day of fun with the missions team.
Brazil, South America – 2005
2005 – Pastors Daniel and Theresa and a team of fourteen went to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in the summer of 2005. Led by Andrew Hopkins the street witnessing teams worshipped, danced, and witnessed in local marketplaces. The team led over 100 people to the Lord in the streets of Brazil.
Ministering in local churches, the teams helped to conduct a city-wide crusade with James De Melo’s evangelistic ministry. As the teams prayed for the sick they witnessed some outstanding miracles, including a blind woman receiving her sight. God truly blessed the mission trip with awesome results.